

Maintain an up-to-date version of your Last Will and Testament to ensure that NYCDC continues to holistically support and promote entrepreneurship; and also continues to provide comprehensive support services and programs that have a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families in New York City. To leave a bequest to NYCDC, please add to your Last Will and Testament the following statement :

"I bequeath to NYCDC, a not-for-profit corporation of the State of New York, located at 1401 Flatbush Avenue, Suite 203, Brooklyn, NY 11210, the sum of $                               . This bequest is to be used by NYCDC and for NYCDC's general purposes."

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for your support of our programs, services, and events. It is your contribution and participation that enable us to continue to holistically support and promote Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Civic Engagement primarily, but not exclusively, in underserved immigrant communities; as well as to provide comprehensive support services through New York Community and Development Corporation.